Undergraduate Degree Progress
The Registrar’s Office monitors your progress against the university’s minimum progress requirements for an undergraduate degree. At the end of each quarter, the Academic Senate Subcommittee on Academic Standing reviews your academic record to determine whether or not you have satisfactorily completed those requirements.
This section provides an overview of topics related to undergraduate degree progress. You can find detailed descriptions of the various requirements at Undergraduate Degree Programs. (Graduate students should visit the Graduate Degree Progress section.)
All undergraduates registered at Stanford are considered to be in good standing for the purposes of enrollment certification and athletic participation.
Additional Assistance
If you need academic advising to discuss major choices, your plans for graduation, or other matters related to your academic progress, you should contact Academic Advising staff. You may schedule an appointment with an Academic Adviser online, by visiting their office on the first floor of Sweet Hall, or by calling (650)723-2426.