How do I make changes to my undergraduate program?
Declaring a major for the first time
When you are declaring for the first time, you will only have the option to add a major or an Individually Designed Major (IDM).
NOTE: Do not declare a minor or a secondary major until after you have successfully declared your major and your major has been approved by your academic department.

You will select your desired major from a drop-down menu. If there are associated Field of Study (a.k.a. “subplan”) options with the selected major, you will also be able to select a Field of Study at this stage (if desired). You will be unable to declare Honors before your major declaration has been approved.

After your major declaration request has been approved by your major department, your major will display on your list of approved plans. Once you have successfully declared a major, you will now have options to add another major, a secondary major, or minor.

Declaring a dual degree or B.A.S. degree
After you have declared one major, you may decide to pursue a dual degree (e.g. concurrent B.A. and B.S.) or a Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A.S.) degree. You may make this decision during the declaration process for your second major.
For example, if you have previously declared an English (BA) major, you can elect to add a Bioengineering (BS) major. During the declaration process for the additional degree, you will be asked if you want to pursue a dual degree.

Selecting “Yes” will initiate the declaration process for concurrent B.A. and B.S. degrees. In the previous example, your record would reflect an English (B.A.) degree and a Bioengineering (B.S.) degree.
Selecting “No,” will default the declaration to a B.A.S. degree. In this example, your record would reflect an English (B.A.S) and a Bioengineering (B.A.S.).
Changing your major
If you want to change your major, the first step is to declare the new major in Axess. It is important to wait until your new major has been approved before dropping the old major. If you drop your old major before the new major has been approved, you will have no active program of record and your access to university resources may be at risk.
Adding Honors
In recognition of successful completion of special advanced work, departments may recommend their students for honors in the major. Departmental honors programs demand independent creative work at an advanced level in addition to major requirements. If approved for departmental honors, you should declare the Honors degree through Axess.
Note: Honors must be declared before you submit an application to graduate. Once an application to graduate has been submitted, no further program changes are permitted in Axess.
After you have declared a major (and this major has been approved by your department in Axess), you can add Honors using the mini-menu associated with your listed major. This menu will also allow you to add a Field of Study or change your major.

Important: Honors declarations change your listed degree program. For example, the student’s program in the screenshot above will change to English (BAH) when Honors are added.